Wednesday, 11 June 2008

First Dividend

Received the portfolio's first dividend today, RDSB.

It's gone to the cash account and I'm up and running building up funds for the next purchase.

A bit stressful with the Housebuilders peformance at the moment. BDEV have just put a statement out to the market saying they expect to meet forecasts. This is reassuring but we can't be sure of any facts until results are annouced in the current market!


newbiesunion said...

Hiya, came across your blog..., by accident actually. I think you've got really good stuff going on there and I definitely will be following it. How regularly do you intend to post?

The UK Dividend Investor said...

Hi there!

Thanks for taking the time to read the first entries to my blog.

I'll be posting as and when any income is received in terms of dividends and when I identify or make any purchases. Hopefully at least once a week if not more.

I do hope you find it of interest and would really welcome your comments.